Envoy Airlines allows name changes on tickets, but there is a fee associated with it. The fee is $50 per passenger and must be paid at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.

Eligibility for Name Changes: Envoy Airlines allows passengers to correct minor name errors on their tickets at no extra cost. These errors usually include typos or ensuring the ticket matches your ID. Major changes or transferring the ticket to someone else may have fees and specific conditions.

Minor Name Corrections: You can typically fix small name mistakes like typos or missing middle names for free. Contact Envoy Airlines or your booking agent as soon as you spot these errors.

Major Name Changes: If you need to change a significant part of your name or transfer the ticket to another person, it's considered a major name change. Fees apply, and the amount varies based on your ticket type.

Name Change Fees: Fees for major name changes can range from $50 to $200 or more per passenger, depending on your ticket and the airline's policies.

Documentation Needed: You'll likely need to provide official documents like IDs or passports to support your name change request.

Name change restrictions

There are a few restrictions on name changes on Envoy Airlines tickets:
The name change must be for the same passenger who booked the ticket.
The new name must be a legal name and must match the passenger's government-issued ID.
The name change must be requested at least 24 hours before the scheduled departure time.